Command line description Read the 3 strips (swipe when the orange LED is on)./ -device /dev/cuxxx -read 1=%.? Or None if strip is empty 2=.? Or None if strip is empty 3=.? Or None if strip is empty Write strips 2 and 3 (swipe when the orange+green LEDs are on, do not include the leading/trailing chars /%/?)./ -device /dev/cuxxx -strip 23 -write 'strip2' 'strip3' Erase the 3 strips (swipe when the orange+green LEDs are on)./ -device /dev/cuxxx -erase Online help (to set low-coercivity or density before writting)./ -help Class description You can 'import msr' this file to use the MSR605 class in your own code.